It’s no secret that I’ve been struggling lately.
Life has not been kind for the last couple of years. And the last month or so has been especially trying. With great effort, I have managed to avoid spiraling into another deep depression. Though at times, it is touch and go.
But that isn’t what this is about.
I’ve been reminded lately that I’ve been very… self-absorbed. Yes, I’ve suffered. A lot. But other people are having a rough time as well. Including many people I know.
My pain isn’t special.
There was a disaster in Lahaina, Hawaii on the island of Maui. I went there once in 2009. It was one of the three most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. There’s a lot of dead people and hundreds more still missing. A company I shop from (and recommend), Fresh Clean Threads is selling shirts for $5 to go to victims in Lahaina. I have a finite amount of money that threatens to run out quickly if I don’t find a job. I bought two. I’ve lost a lot. But those people lost everything. I can spare 10 bucks to literally put shirts on a couple of guys’ backs.
Its the least I can do.
So I’m trying to be thankful for the things in my life that are good. Even when times are rough, that’s no excuse not to notice what is around you. Take the time to tell people you love them. Check up on them. See if they’re okay.
I can’t fix the world around me. I can’t necessarily solve other people’s plights… hell, I don’t even know if I can solve my own. But I can try to be a better person.
“And in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you give.” -Paul McCartney
Maui, 2009