Dear Hulu, Please hire me
I’ve been watching the Hulu Original series, How I Met Your Father. HIMYF is a semi reboot of How I Met Your Mother, a pretty well regarded comedy series. It stars Kim Cattrall (who’s still got it) and Hilary Duff as the main character, Sophie.
The series caught my interest because Sophie is a Street Photographer. If you’ve followed me at all, you know that Street is my passion. My best work tends to combine portraits with a more Street style. So Sophie caught my attention.
At the end of the first season, we are told Sophie took her first award-winning image. The image that got her a gallery showing. In the last episode we finally see it.
It was trash.
Okay, trash is harsh. It wasn’t bad. It also wasn’t good. It’s a shot of her friend Jesse working on her car at night. The image tells a story, so that’s good. It just wasn’t all that interesting of a shot.
What bothers me about this is that there are a million amazing Street photographers out there. Hulu could have just gone on Instagram and found one decent one. Pay him/her for the shots. Hell, I’m sure you could get some publicity out of it.
Side note. Years ago, NBC had a show called Heroes. One of the characters was a painter who could paint the future. The show producers hired legendary comic book artist Tim Sale (Batman: The Long Halloween) to do all the work. It was a nice touch for comic book fans. Sale is unfortunately recently deceased. RIP.
Look, I’m not a top tier Street. But I’m good and I work a lot cheaper than the ones I look up to. (Check out this guy. He’s unbelievable.)
Hire me Hulu. Authenticity is important.
By the way, it’s my little brother’s birthday. Happy birthday, kid.