Look at Yourself
The keenest eye is that which looks inward.
Okay, that’s a GI Joe quote, but I’ve always liked it. I’ve found that self portraits are among the hardest photographs to take, both from a physical and artistic standpoint.
Now to be clear, I said self-portraits, not “selfies”. Selfies are those things that girls take on their phones where they make weird shapes with their lips.
…okay, sure. I’ve taken selfies as well. No lip shapes though.
Self Portraits are an artist’s attempt to show the world how you see yourself. Its an incredibly vulnerable thing to do. How do you see yourself? Brave? Tortured? Stunning? Is that what you want the world to see?
Do you photoshop yourself? Or do you let the world see your scars?
For my own self portrait, I took inspiration from the work of Sean Tucker, one of my influences.
There is no skin smoothening or photoshop. This is me.
I’m starting with the man in the mirror.