What Does a Photographer Need with an iPhone?
*Post title to be read in the voice of William Shatner.
In recent years, there has been a discussion as to whether or not photographers will be replaced with people using cell phones. There’s even a movement of “iPhoneographers”. I don’t know if they call themselves that, but I take them about as seriously as I take the name.
The reality is that the cameras inside of smart phones have gotten really, really good.
My buddy Jeff in Cozumel.
There is no denying at this point that you can get amazing shots with a cell phone. Some people even believe that computational photography (your cell phone focuses on software over the lenses) is the way of the future.
I have no idea. Trying to predict the future of any market always seems like a waste of time to me. And while you may be able to replace my camera, you can’t replace me as a photographer. To me, the idea of hiring an iPhoneographer over a real photographer is the equivalent of asking a monkey to shoot your wedding.
My Ma and her Goddaughter at a wedding.
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I shoot with my cell phone quite a bit. Maybe that seems counter-intuitive. What does a photographer need with a cell phone camera? Well, unfortunately it just isn’t practical to carry around my real camera all the time. I have to live my life.
Even so, the reality is that I still think like a photographer. I’m still going to want to shoot. And that’s what makes me appreciate how good these pocket cameras have become. I can still get some amazing shots.
A boat launch at Whiskey Bay.
Sure, there are still some limitations. Whatever the future is, we are definitely still a ways off from the possibility of professional cameras becoming obsolete.
But just as I want the best camera body and lenses I can afford, I want the best cell phone camera I can get.
I’m even considering upgrading from my Pixel 3XL to an iPhone 13 Pro or a Pixel 6. I have a trip at the end of the month to Walt Disney World. I will not be bringing my Sony a7c, because it’s a 2 day trip and I would rather focus on spending time with my family. But it would be kind of cool to take the newest smart phone out for a test drive at EPCOT. I just need to come up with a thousand dollars.
All this goes back to a previous post I made. The gear you use matters. Its just that the photographer matters more.