This morning I was reflecting on the moments that led to my love of photography.
I tend to think of my time in the Disney College Program as being the first step in that journey. And there is some truth to that. In many ways, my life began on a sunny day in Florida in 2002. But it isn't the whole truth.
I recently remembered some photos I took in February of 1997. I went with my best friend, Chris to California for a class trip. On one of the days out there, we went to Disneyland. Chris and I separated from the rest of the class to go explore.
I'd brought my mother's camera with me on that trip. An old Minolta film camera. It was a point-and-shoot, but the kind that camera companies make to trick consumers into thinking they're buying a high end camera. But anyway, not the point.
We were walking around Frontierland.
For whatever reason, I decided it would be fun to walk up to girls and pretend to be a French photographer.
...I know. Look. I was 17. And I was even weirder and more awkward then than I am now.
Anyway, I would walk up to these beautiful, young (though probably older than I was at the time) girls and say "Vould zu liiike to have your pic-chure takun?"
...yeah. It's as bad as it sounds.
The really strange part? I think every girl I asked went for it. Don't ask. I couldn't tell you.
Two stangers in the Happiest Place on Earth.
A lifetime ago.
At the time, photography wasn't even an idle thought in my head. I only took the camera because it was my first time traveling without my Mom. And I was hanging out in Los Angeles with my best friend.
It's funny. The idea of me walking up to women I don't know and talking them up... I just don't have that in me. But at that moment, there were no stakes. Absent a lifetime of fear and self doubt that held me down like shackles... I was capable of anything.
I'm sorry. I'm just rambling now; no greater point. It was just… something I was thinking about.