Arizona Again
In 2003, I joined the National Student Exchange Program. A year earlier I had moved to Orlando for the Disney College Program and I was looking to continue experiencing what life was like outside of Louisiana.
By the time I signed up for it, a lot of the spots were filled for the more desirable cities. I was quite upset when I found out I had missed out on going to Hawaii. I chose Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ.
My best friend in San Antonio. He helped me drive all the way to Phoenix. 2003
I had never been to Arizona before- much less northern Arizona, but it looked interesting.
The Grand Canyon,
It… didn’t go well.
I tried to make friends out there, but they turned out to be less friendly than they first appeared. There was also a girl I liked. Even now there’s still a part of me that wishes that had gone differently. It was a rough time.
A lake near Prescott, AZ. A girl I was fond of.
It took me another decade to reconsider my position on Arizona. For all my personal problems, I found it to be the most beautiful state I had ever been to up until that time. I include Southern California in that estimation. And my exploring of the territory was extremely rewarding.
The Grand Canyon.
I also got more into photography. I had purchased a Canon Powershot S230 digital point and shoot some months prior. At the time the little device seemed miraculous. It could take pictures AND record video!?? HUZZAH! 20 years ago was a different world.
This is an un-edited photo of the Sunsets in Flagstaff.
I also took a photography class, which never did click with me. I bought a Nikon N65 film camera for the class. I had begun to consider the idea of photography to be a possibility, though it would take the better part of 2 decades for me to take it seriously. I attempted to take what I thought were “artsy” photos. That didn’t go very well either.
“Artsy” photography. Las Vegas, Nevada 2003.
After 18 years, I am finally returning. My mom and I are going up there for a weekend. It will be a curious experience, like going back to your old high school. We’ll be staying in Sedona, which was my favorite part of my time there. I think I am most interested in comparing how far I’ve come as a photographer. Now I know what I’m doing. I’ll be renting the Sony 100-400mm f/4.5 for those long range mountain shots.
I’ll be sure to post some of the results here in a follow up blog.
This should be interesting.
Sedona, 2003.