Photocon Kentucky
My journey in photography began almost 20 years ago (more on that here). Unfortunately it wasn’t a running start. A deep lack of self-confidence kept me from taking myself seriously as a photographer. It wasn’t until around 2018 that I really started working on it, seeking out youtubers to fill the void I had in my education.
I found a few youtubers who particularly helped me understand. Later in 2018, Jason Lanier hosted a photowalk here in New Orleans. I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that 2 hour photowalk changed me.
Model NJ Prunty, 2018
First of all, it worth noting that I learn empirically. That means I learn by seeing and by doing. For many subjects, explaining things to me has very little effect on my understanding. With that in mind, you can understand how having a good teacher work with you can make a lot of things click (no pun intended) that just weren’t working.
I walked away from that night a better photographer. And perhaps more importantly, I walked away more confident in my abilities and my potential.
In 2019 I attended a full Jason Lanier workshop in Georgia. That was one of the best trips of my life. It was a great time. More importantly it changed how I approached photography.
BTS shot of Jason shooting with model Xsoyun Park. 2019
Now here I am in 2021. I have grown as a photographer since then. I know who I am as an artist and I know who I want to be. And I am going to be taking my third Jason Lanier workshop in August.
I hadn’t intended to take a third one. I was grateful for the previous experiences and all I’d learned from them, but I didn’t think I needed another.
Model Ashley Armstrong, 2019
Then Jason announced Photocon Kentucky. This is supposed to be a unique photography convention centered around learning. I don’t necessarily need to go, but… hell, I’ve never been to Kentucky.
I am very curious to see how this goes. I will be putting the last 3 years of work and learning into practice.
I wonder how this one will change me.